Picture of Lou


Hello there.

Firstly, thankyou for checking SoulTrain’s Website.

About Myself

Let me tell you about myself.

My name is Lou. 

I love Tea, Cheese and Keeping Fit & Healthy… in that order!

I have been a qualified fitness instructor for over 25 years and have been doing Sports Massage & Therapy, & Personal Training for over 20 years.

I started out as a Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Instructor, which led me to qualify in other areas of the industry.

I have taught Aqua-Fitness for over 10 years & have been a qualified Kettlercise instructor for over 6 years.

I love what I do!

I love all of the different areas that I teach… but it’s really the people who come to my classes that make my work a joy!

I believe that whatever your age or ability, there’s something for everyone.

My main aim is to make exercise accessible for everyone but most of all enjoyable.

I am very lucky that I love my job and they say that if you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.  I haven’t worked for over 20 years!